Lilypie First Birthday tickers

24 January 2009

While we're waiting...

Well, since we are going to be in a rut for the next few months with no insurance and no where to obtain fertility services, i have begun to explore the option of alternative therapies to aid in our journey of trying to conceive.

First off, I have started (tonight) myself on a Low Glycemic Index Diet. Not too sure how this is going to work out since my first experiment with a Low GI meal was not so good. I made Vegetable Ratatouille... and it may sound good, but it wasn't lol! It called for red wine, which I am not too fond of and all I could taste was bitterness. Also, I can't figure out why the company who packaged my bay leaves crushed them all up. The entire time I was trying to eat, I kept finding bay leaves, and if you don't know, you can't chew up a bay leaf lol!

I am also adding some rigorous exercise to my regime. Well, once we get to Canada next weekend lol. 45-60 minutes of cardio a day and one day of Pilates or Yoga. Also, we will see how that goes. Most of you know how I feel about exercise!!

I will keep you updated! Should be quite entertaining!