The entire ride home I was caught between throwing up or passing out... I got home without doing either, thank God! I rested the entire evening hoping I would feel better today. I didn't and I have come home early to try and rest off the cramps.
Now that we know what needs to be done, we are having to put all of this fertility stuff to a screeching halt! We have decided to call it a season here in Tulsa, Ok, and move to Canada for the next 4 months and then settle down in Shreveport, La. I researched fertility in Canada and IVF is half the price it is in the states, but the catch is... it takes a year to get in and be treated. So, when we get back to Shreveport we will pick all this up and press on. As for now, the doc put me on Yaz to keep me regular and to try and decrease my testosterone count.
On the way to work yesterday morning, I was listening to the radio when an amazing song came on... "In Better Hands" by Natalie Grant. Wow! What an amazing message!
"There is hope when my faith runs out, Cause I'm in better hands now"