After 30 hours in the car from Canada, Guy and I are now living in Fayetteville, North Carolina for a couple of months. He signed a contract to play with the Fayetteville Fireantz of the SPHL in hopes of making it to the playoffs. It is a tight race with all the teams being within one or two points of each other. Guy is playing amazing! Won all 5 games he has played! Pretty impressive!
The team has put us up in the Holiday Inn Bordeaux. Not very homey, but we are making the best of it. Living on sandwiches and microwave food. Not easy to stay on a diet! So I am just trying to make healthy choices and not pig out on junk food, which would be so easy to do! There is a small gym here and you would think that it would be easier for me to go since it is so close. Quite contrare, it seems harder!
Fayetteville seems to be a pretty good town though. The people here are super nice. It stand true to it's motto "History, Heroes, and a Hometown Feeling". We are eager to hopefully get out and experience some of the history here. We are looking forward to the annual Fayetteville Dogwood Festival if we are still here. Seems like fun! It is home to Fort Bragg and Pope Air Force Base so everwhere we go we see someone in the armed forces, which continually reminds us of the people fighting for this country and our freedom. And it really does have a hometown feeling. I feel closer the Shreveport than I am. It almost feels like home here.
Guy left yesterday on the longest road trip of the season, we hear. He will be gone for 3 days. Nothing compared to the1-2 week trips in the CHL. So Honey and I are hanging out in the hotel watching movies. Late at night we throw her ball down the hallway to tire her out a bit. She enjoys it! We also found an awesome dog park here, but it has been pretty chilly here, so we haven't been able to go lately. She likes going and just smelling all the other scents that have been left behind lol.