Lilypie First Birthday tickers

09 September 2009

Plum St. Vincent

Weekly Update

How am I feeling?
I think we have covered that in detail ;) I have been sleeping a lot and having headaches.

What is the little bambino up to?
Baby's now the size of a plum! As you move into the second trimester, baby shifts into the growth and maturation stage. After weeks in the critical development stage, almost all of baby's systems are fully formed.

What am I craving? Mexican food!

Aversions: still peanut butter

What do I miss? My sex drive is still MIA. Hoping it will kick into high gear as I get into 2nd tri!

What am I looking forward to? Oh! So much! I am so excited about finishing up this trimester and heading into the 2nd trimester. I can't wait to feel the first flutters & movement! Registering, the big u/s, getting a distinct baby bump, & feeling better (hopefully) just to name a few things!

That about wraps it up! I am overjoyed to be pregnant and trying to enjoy every moment. It feels more real every single day and I am looking forward to all the milestones that await. Thank you all for sharing this journey with me...